
John and Carolyn Ride to Conquer Cancer

John and Carolyn Ride to Conquer Cancer

John and Carolyn Parnham from Ray White Commercial (Newcastle) endured some heavy breathing and sweating on their trusty Trek mountain bikes as they completed the 200km Ride to Conquer Cancer.

Participants in the fourth annual Ride to Conquer Cancer collectively raised $3.6 million for Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. John and Carolyn between them raised the outstanding total of $10,600.

Since its inception, the Ride to Conquer Cancer has raised $13.4 million which has provided much needed equipment for Chris O’Brien Lifehouse to continue combining all facets of clinical care – medical, and radiation oncology, research, wellness and support services, as well as post-treatment support.

“It was an inspiring/uplifting event, heard lots of great stories and met lots of great people,” John said.

“The ride was long but extremely well organised. I had loads of time to think how fortunate I am to be fit and healthy enough to do this at my age and with my soul mate.

“A good number of fellow participants carried a yellow flag on the back of their bikes denoting they are cancer survivors. When Harry, the last rider to roll into the overnight camp area, yellow flag attached 10 hours after we all started with best part of a thousand riders and crew lining the path cheering him home, this put the relative ease with which we completed our journey into perspective.

“It’s thanks to those of you who generously donated that we were afforded this privilege.”

The Parnhams dedicated their ride to their niece Jess who only weeks before the event felt a lump in her breast and has already undergone tests and procedures.

“This lump was found to be cancer, and has now been removed. Fertility treatment has been effected and this week Jess commences chemotherapy. She has an amazing positive attitude. They caught it early and naturally we all trust and hope this young lady, still in her twenties continues to get positive results.”

Part ofJohn and Carolyn’s motivation to do this challenge was to “inspire friends and family to undertake some sort of out of your comfort zone activity”, so they ask all of us the question, “ what will you do to make the world a better place and improve your own health in the process”?.

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