
Support your Rider from Start to Finish

John and Carolyn Parnham from Ray White Commercial (Newcastle) will be Heavy Breathing and sweating as they ride their trusty Trek mountain bikes 200km’s to assist the fight against Cancer.

When they committed themselves to this event some months ago they had no one person in mind.

One of the first to support them with a donation, a young lady they had known from birth has just in the last three weeks after feeling a lump in her breast undergone various tests, biopsies, surgery to remove this lump and nodes.

The lump was Cancer and they got it early! she will now endure fertility preservation procedures then chemo and radio treatments over the coming months.

Day two of their ride falls on her 29th birthday, normally hidden behind a facade of jocularity they have now seen a strength of character and maturity surface that will get her through this ordeal.

They love and now dedicate their ride to Jess.

To those champions among you who have already made a donation the funds you have generously contributed will help others with their own battle with the big C.

To those of you who have yet to make your donation please click on the links below and give what you can afford to fight Cancer.

Johns personal page link

Carolyn’s personal page link

On a happier note day 1 falls on their 28th wedding anniversary, they will be sleeping in a two man tent and suspect they’ll be two tired and sore for any amorous celebrations!

Part of their motivation to do this challenge was to inspire friends and family ” you guys ” to undertake some sort of ” out of your comfort zone activity “, so what will you be doing this weekend?

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